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HideNseeK is a action adventure Mixed Reality game for Quest-3.


Thrill of Seeking

Look behind every nook and furniture in your living room to find hiding NPCs.


Excitement of Meeting Unique Characters

Each member of the Hider Team has a unique personality, voice-over, traits and powers.


Joy of Competition

Compete against a team of cunning NPCs by tagging them before they reach safe zone.


Ease of Play in a Tangible Game Design

HideNseeK is designed to be played like a physical game, where all interactables are familiar and easy to use.


Freedom to Play Anywhere

Play HideNseeK in a tiny bedroom or a huge field. Hiders and covers will adapt.


Awe of a Compelling Story

Experience the story-mode where your HideNseeK play furthers an engaging narrative.


Clunky is an adventurous toy robot that finds joy in action. He has the spirit of a restless toddler that will do everything to get to that cookie jar.

As a hider, he does not care for getting stuck behind a cover forever. He will rush to the safe zone at first opportunity. But do not be fooled. His dashing speed balances his lack of patience and subtlety.

His two powers serve very different purposes. He will project holograms in the play field that he and his fellow hiders can hide behind. But he can also project replicas of hiders to throw you off momentarily, while the hiders rush for a score.

Kobra is a cunning toy ninja that lurks in the shadows. He has the patience of a rock and the subtlety of a beating heart.

During gameplay, he plays with the prudence of a predator. Kobra bides his time to strike as he embraces the shadows. But when he finally makes his move, his steps will be light and his presence will be a memory.


All the caution and stealth of his strategy comes at the price of peril if gets caught due to his slow stride. However, he has one smoke bomb each game to help him disappear behind another cover whence he gets discovered, as well as the ability to blend into shadows.

An oversized head, a single glowing button for an eye, and sharp needles for arms... Ferah is not your run of the mill tea time companion for your toddler princess. She was stitched together at ancient times with fearsome powers and for malicious purposes.

When fortune dragged her into the HideNseeK crew, she adapted her magical stitching skills to make up for her slow and noisy nature. She can tear apart space-time fabric and stitch our world to pocket universes sewn of cursed cloth. Both Ferah and other hiders can sneak in these pockets and wait for the best time to strike.

Or she can stitch one tear to another, effectively connecting portals from one wall in your room to another, where hiders can strategically use to reach the safe zone.

Even though he can mold himself into any shape he likes, Doh prefers to spend most of his time in the stick figure shape his first owner shaped him into.

Doh is the master of deception. Not only can he shape himself into any shape that he wants, he can also make other doll creations and place them around to misdirect you while you are searching for him.

He has the patience to wait forever in a shape until the right time comes to rush, or even when you pick it up. However, the only Achilles Heel in his otherwise spotless strategy is his ticklish nature.

A magical princess in her own realm, Fae was brought to our world against her will and fate bound her to the crew of hiders.

Her huge wings and royal pride does not allow her to hide behind mundane objects, but her flight allows her to lift her up to heights her peers cannot reach. And her magic can conceal her from human sight, as long as you do not get too near to see her or to ear her wing flaps.

Fae counts on you to keep your eyes on the ground looking for her teammates, while she lurks above to attempt a dive into the safe zone.


Happy is not a hider but a part of the HideNseeK crew. Even though he does not get off his surf drone and join his fellow teammates behind covers, he will cheer from the sides to keep their spirits high and also help the Seeker to learn the game.

While he has a huge and easy smile and a helpful demeanor, the tension between Happy and his crew is palpable. He is too eager to drive you to become a better Seeker and his teammates to better Hiders, for virtually no benefit to him.


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